Stacking the Shelves #179 & the Weekly Wrap-Up!

This bookish meme tells the blogosphere what all we borrowed, bought, and received for review. It's hosted over at Tynga's Reviews. 

The Only Thing Worse Than Me Is YouHow It Ends

The Only Thing Worse Than Me is You by Lily Anderson (Nook Book)
How it Ends by Catherine Lo (Hardcover)

The Heart of Betrayal (The Remnant Chronicles, #2)

The Heart of Betrayal by Mary Pearson  (Audio)

I'll admit it, I was NOT the biggest fan of Kiss of Deception, but everyone said this one is way more intense and more fast paced than that one, so I guess I should give it a shot. It will help a lot while I do my homework! 

Weekly Wrap-Up

Monday 06/27/16: Ready to Talk: Stresses of Evryday Life (A look st Where I've Been Lately)
Tuesday 06/07/16: Top 10 Book Nerd Problems I Can Relate to! 
Wednesday 06/08/16: Waiting on Wednesday: This is Our Story by Ashley Elston
Thursday 06/09/2016: 738 Days by Stacey Kade
Friday 06/09/16: Monthly Wrap-Up: June 2016!
Saturday 06/10/2016: Never Missing, Never Found by Amanda Panitch

What went on at your blog this week?!
